Getting Started

ROVA platform enables you to create powerful on demand logistic solutions for a variety of scenarios, including integrating your service into ROVA's logistic backend, custom on demand delivery experience, grow your delivery fleets and more. Get familar with ROVA's developer product below.

Sample apps can be found under


ROVA’s API is hosted under Majority of requests to ROVA API requires authentication. Let’s start with navigating to the settings page to retrieve your OAuth 2.0 Key pair.

In settings page, you will find production and test keys of Account ID and Auth Token. They are respectively your client_id and client_secret.

To learn more about supported OAuth 2.0 protocals, see Authentication API Reference

Create a Route

This will let the ROVA platform know you want to get something delivered, the example below will provide a quick walk through for that. To create a route, making a HTTP POST request to with the following payload.

A credit card will be required to make any delivery request. For alternative billing solutions, please contact

              # payload.txt
                "route": {
                  "deliveryCategory": "BOXES",
                  "vehicleType": "CAR",
                  "pickUpProofOfDelivery": "NONE",
                  "dropOffProofOfDelivery": "NONE",
                  "referenceId": "my test route",
                  "localPickUpDateTime": "2020-06-01T09:15:00",
                  "routeExceptionInformation": {
                    "type": "DISCARD",
                  "legs": [
                      "type": "PICK_UP",
                      "addresses": [
                          "address":"1161 Mission",
                          "company":"John Company",
                          "city":"San Francisco",
                          "instructions":"Call John Doe when arrive",
                          "name":"Jone Doe",
                      "type": "DROP_OFF",
                      "addresses": [
                          "address":"1111 Kearny Street",
                          "city":"San Francisco",
                          "company":"Uncle Sam company",
                          "instructions":"Call Uncle Sam when arrive",
                          "name":"Uncle Sam",
                "billing": {
                  "tips": 15
            # sample curl command:
            curl '' \
            -X POST \
            -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
            -H "Authorization: Bearer $YOUR_BEARER" \
            --data-binary @payload.txt

To learn more of the create order properties, see Submit a route API Reference

Cancel Route

To cancel a request, make a request to this endpoint PUT{route_id}/status . See example below

            # payload.txt
              "deliveryStatus": "cancelled"
            # sample curl command:
            curl '{route_id}/status' \
            -X PUT \
            -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
            -H "Authorization: Bearer $YOUR_BEARER" \
            --data-binary @payload.txt

To learn more of the cancel order properties, see Modify Route Status API Reference

Testing with ROVA Platform

Testing is an important aspect of development. To test any API calls, please use the test client_id and client_secret. No billing setup is required for testing.


Have a question?

Please do not hesitate to reach out to